Category: Employment

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Opportunities

The Role of Quality within Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Introduction According to the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, up to 10% of all pharmaceuticals worldwide are counterfeit, leading to significant health risks and financial losses. This startling fact underscores the critical need for stringent quality measures in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Thesis Statement: Quality…

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22 July 2024| Employment Viewpoint
Recruitment team looking over an applicant’s printed CV

Starting your career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) can be both exciting and challenging, especially when crafting your first STEM-focused CV. Whether you’re changing careers or entering the job market for the first time, you might find yourself wondering about how to write a CV…

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17 July 2024| Employment Top Tips
Soft Skills in STEM Careers

The Critical Role of Soft Skills in STEM Careers Soft Skills in STEM Careers vs Technical Skills in STEM Careers STEM roles, encompassing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics professions, are often viewed as highly technical positions. A common misconception is that success in these roles is solely determined by one’s…

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8 July 2024| Employment Viewpoint
Building your LinkedIn Profile

Building your LinkedIn Profile  Building your LinkedIn profile is crucial for professional networking and job searching. With the rise in executive search agencies the opportunistic headhunter will be looking to find you in as many ways as possible, so make sure that LinkedIn profile is up to date and a…

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14 June 2024| Employment Viewpoint
How to write your first CV

Mastering the Art of Crafting Your First CV: A Comprehensive Guide For some people writing a CV can be daunting, some may have gone their whole career without writing one and then after a change in career find themselves needing to produce something to take their next career step. We…

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6 June 2024| Employment Viewpoint