Valneva is a specialty vaccine company, focused on the development and commercialisation of prophylactic vaccines for infectious diseases with significant unmet medical need. With several vaccines in development, including unique vaccines against Lyme disease, COVID-19 and chikungunya, Valneva’s portfolio also includes two commercial vaccines for travellers.
Entrust Resource Solutions has been working with Valneva since early 2020, with activity ramping up considerably as it launched a new facility based in Livingston, Scotland and the announcement of a global COVID-19 pandemic.
- Valneva appointed by UK government to develop and produce COVID-19 vaccines for European market.
- 250 scientific, manufacturing, quality assurance and validation roles required within short timeframe to launch new facility, continue projected growth and respond to COIVD-19 requirements.
- Contract and permanent roles filled.
- Critical Head of Operations required to oversee transition to new facility.
- ERS working with UK government to facilitate fast-track of international hire.

Unlike other suppliers, we were able to mitigate this challenge via our UK-wide footprint